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Thread: Flight 93

  1. #1
    Senior Member megatop412's Avatar
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    Flight 93

    Last week while on a trip to visit some old college friends at Purdue I managed to grab some aviation shots. All images taken with a Nikon D70s, soon to be retired.

    It was pouring when I came upon this helo riding a flatbed on I-70W. Can anyone ID it? Looks like a Blackhawk, Army.

    Made a stop at Purdue University airport and saw they rid themselves of the -100 series 727 they had when I was there and have acquired a -200 for the A&P program:

    Also caught this Cessna, fenced in for all eternity:

    I had told myself for several years that the next time I was driving back home from IN, I would stop at Flight 93, out of respect for what those folks did.

    A half hour off the interstate, it's in the middle of nowhere. As in, I had to swerve to avoid a turtle crossing the road. Signs guide you to a parking area and a shed displaying posters and artifacts. As you can see, the left wall contains photos of passengers and crew:

    You then follow the US park rangers' directions to the edge of a low hill that overlooks the crash site. In the distance can be seen a group of windmills, spinning silently away.

    On the fence is this sign

    Then you look out across the landscape. The quiet of such an immense vista takes your breath away. They were constructing the permanent memorial but there were a few moments of complete silence.

    The sign directs your attention to the flag in the middle of the field where the plane hit. I'm no macho man or anything, but I don't cry easily either. Knowing this was where the battle that took place on that plane we all heard about 10 years ago finally ended, I had to walk away after a minute or so.

    What was interesting was that the emotions I thought had largely evaporated in the decade since the defining moment of the current era came flooding back as I remembered where I was, what I was doing that day, especially how insane it all felt. I can only hope that somehow, in the chaos of it all seconds before impacting this serene Pennsylvania countryside, the passengers of Flight 93 were allowed some vision of the future they would never see in this life- a future in which their actions would forever serve as reminders that our freedom is never free, and that they took the necessary steps to protect our most cherished values. And how grateful we are for what they did.

    They are the very embodiment of true American heroes.


  2. #2
    Senior Member gonzalu's Avatar
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    DO NOT RETIRE THAT D70s or Nick V and I will hurt you!

    Nice catch on that Helo!!
    Manny Gonzalez
    Thrust Images | General Photography | R.I.P. Matt Molnar 1979-2013

  3. #3
    Senior Member megatop412's Avatar
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    Philadelphia(south Jersey, actually)
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzalu View Post
    DO NOT RETIRE THAT D70s or Nick V and I will hurt you!

    Nice catch on that Helo!!
    Well I wouldn't be thinking about it if it hadn't given me a bum shot. Like the one of my brother's dog from Sunday, in which he was made to look like a character that was telling me about the puzzle I needed to solve in order to avert a grisly death:

    I ran this RAW file through two different converters and got this same jpeg, but the image on the camera's LCD was normal. In fact, nothing looked amiss until I converted everything. What the heck happened here? I don't want the moment when the Il-62 diverting to PHL during UN week due to weather issues gets screwed up because of this sensor.

    You're the camera guy Manny- what gives? Any ideas?

  4. #4
    Senior Member gonzalu's Avatar
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    May be your CF card, may be the camera... these "artifacts" happen to ALL cameras one time or another... this is why you shoot more than one and why I shoot RAW+JPG basic JUST IN CASE, I also use my D3's RAID1 feature where you write to two cards at once... anyway, yeah, I am totally in agreement with you. I also carry two cameras ALL The time for that very reason.

    I keep a case of four CF cards in my car at all times for emergency. The case is submersible up to like 10,000 feet and it is crush proof up to about 2 tons of pressure ... that is in case I leave my cards behind or some other emergency.

    etc. etc. But you definitely need to trust your equipment and when it fails you (like when your dog bites you) you must get rid of it :-)
    Manny Gonzalez
    Thrust Images | General Photography | R.I.P. Matt Molnar 1979-2013


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