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Ron Paul Loves Charter Flights, Divers Find Sunken Airliner 34 Years After Crash: Final Call

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Some US Air Force C-17s watch a Delta Connection Saab 340A (N449XJ) take off from Minneapolis
Some US Air Force C-130s watch a Delta Connection Saab 340A (N449XJ) take off from Minneapolis

Some US Air Force C-130s watch a Delta Connection Saab 340A (N449XJ) take off from Minneapolis. (Photo by Doug Lambert)

• Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Congressman Ron Paul has racked up $1 million worth of charter flights on his campaign so far, more than double the bill of fellow candidate Michelle Bachmann. In fairness, unlike most of his opponents, Paul still has a day job in Washington. [ABC News]

• Divers have located the submerged wreckage of a SATA Caravelle 10R which crashed off the coast of Funchal in 1977, killing 36, of which only 10 were found. [The Aviation Herald]

• Air India may cut its order for 27 Boeing 787 Dreamliners by more than half, to 12 aircraft. The state-owned carrier is struggling to stay solvent amid rising costs and increased competition. [Reuters]

Boeing will delay delivery of the 787-9 to 2014 and first delivery of the 747-8 Intercontinental will come in 2012 rather than late 2011. [Business Herald]

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Northern Pacific Boeing 757 with black and white livery on fuselage and tail, aurora borealis inspired splash of color on winglets, and similarly colored N on the tail.

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  • Anonymous

    “ABC has a blog post noting that Ron Paul leads in spending on charter flights.

    “People around the country really want to meet Dr. Paul and hear him speak. He gets large crowds wherever he goes because actual, real people support him and will fight traffic jams to see him as they did in Buffalo recently. (A traffic jam caused by his supporters quickly filling up a large parking lot.)

    “Dr. Paul goes out of his way to accommodate his supporters. Hence, the many charter flights. The other candidates wish they had so many speaking invitations. The article correctly notes that charters allow Dr. Paul to spend time with his supporters one-on-one as he did in Buffalo in the hot sun.

    “Can Romney draw a crowd of non-hacks and non-lobbyists?” (author: J. Ostrowski)

    “Recently, Ron Paul had to go through his first invasive pat-down at the airport; his knee replacements bar him from the gulagoscan. This is one of the most well-mannered men I know, but after four very hard jabs to his genitals, he asked the blue-gloved TSA agent: ‘How can you live with yourself, feeling up strange men all day long?’

    “‘I love my job,’ sneered the goon.”  (author: L. Rockwell)

  • Now that is fair and balanced,like an airplane.Fly Ron fly.

  • Okay, Ron Paul spent $1M on chartered flights…so what?! As if he is
    wasting taxpayer money, which IS NOT!!! It is donated money from
    countless supporters WELL SPENT!!

    I think your article should be about Obama and his (now frequent) recent
    fund raising entourage trips jet setting to Los Angeles (and wasting
    undisclosed precious taxpayer money) and creating HAVOC on our already
    congested freeways…just to accomodate this one termer, losing POTUS!!!

    The Establishment/status quo is so afraid of Ron Paul..which explains
    the constant censorship, demolition job and blackout of his
    campaign…and in turn propping the rest of the GOP Pres candidate
    field, which are all CORRUPTED/BOUGHT AND PAID FOR puppet empty

    RON PAUL 2012!!!

  • RON PAUL 2012!!!

      In the 3rd quarter of 2011 fund raising Paul raised 8 million give or take to Perry’s 18 million and Romney’s 14 million. The thing that doesn’t get reported is the amount of donors. Perry – around 6000, Romney – around 8000, Paul 100,000 +. That to me proves the little man wants Paul buy can’t compete with the corporate donations. This was in an article posted on the DrudgeReport, I can’t find the article now to link to but some research and you can find it. If you want to help America, help Ron Paul. Also, whether or not it matters, Ron Paul gets more military donations that all the other candidates combined! I haven’t served so I don’t pretend to know what goes on at war, but the fact the military men and women donate more to Paul says alot to me.